beware, you better beware!
if i see you, i'm gonna box till your teeth fall off.
i'm serious!! (serious in the outside but inside.. i'm soft)
hmm, but i don't think i can box you down cause you are just way so big(side ways) than me.
wuu, i'm scared..
please stop giving me the innocent look, cause that face expression doesn't go with your body shape..
and have you ever heard of the story "here comes wolf?"
once you tell a lie, no one is gonna believe you, and i know you well.
i kept quiet doen't mean i'm stupid or blind.
you been backstabbing me since the day i know you =.="
yes sometimes you are nice, but most of the time you'll be nice in front of me and stab behind of me.
anyway, Girl don't cry over spilt milk.
you said is okay if we don't buy the clothes from you right.
okay, now i would like to cancel all my order.
anyway it's just 3 piece, who cares?!
LoLx, but as a salesgirl you SUCKZ, never see someone as terrible as you.
guess what, i've place 9 piece of clothes from other, they might sell higer price than you do, but i don't mind spending a few more Ringgit on them rather than you FUCKING attitude.
see how i pronounce and spell it, you FUCKER, FA AR KER!!
really hates you no matter how i see you.
i'm trying to be nice to you but what you gave me as your OLD BLADDY FUCKING attitude.
really "三岁定八十".
your asshole attitude NEVER GONNA CHANGE.
hei, i heard that you got played by a guy, AGAIN?!
how many boyfriend have you been accept and how many times you got dumped?
wow, GOSH uncountable.
it's true that your life, your business, your relationship i have no authority to talk, to care, to write or even to discuss BUT i never see someone as stupid as you.
you got played by so many people you still can't learn the lesson?!
are you that stupid??
hmp, anyway it's good that you got played!!
to show you how bad your attitude are, even Paris Hilton have a better attitude than you do.
can you imagine @.@"?
... ...muahaha
just in case you see this blog, just want to remind you.
i am your friend, a consumer, i have rights to tell you what is good and what is bad.
and as a friend, a seller, you MUST listen to what i said but you have the rights to follow or not.
just now you gave me that FUCKING attitude will only harm you, IT'S NOT "GOOD".
do you hear me girl.
what a little idiot childish girl you are.
you say you are 22,23 year old?!
yea perhaps your appearance but inside, you just look like a 3-5 year old little girl.
even my little brother is much more mature than you =.="