Saturday, May 5, 2012

$10 shirt!!

today's class was like.. how can i describe it?
so fucking annoying? nah, no not really.. maybe this word can describe it "disaster"!!
Alex (my lecturer) was not here, he went to New Zealand.. [wrong timing -.-"]
Lolx, so Shivany took over.. as usual Greg was here too but he's not helping at all..
all i can say is, he's confusing me!!

last week after presentation, I purposely stay back in class to asked Alex about the assignments..
to check with him whether i'm on track or not..
his comment was good, he said i did most of the things but what Greg told he today is totally opposite..
he said i got not enough information to support the iPad apps @.@"

GOD!! can you please tell me what should i do? who should i listen / follow..
i'm kinda confuse here ='[
next week we have to show the sketches already, ALEX, PLEASE COME BACK NOW!!

enough of assignments, time for a break =)
my favorite part!! SHOPPING..
yeah, i pass by ISHKA today, awesomeee!!
i bought a purple boyfriend cut shirt, yum yum (wait wait what is wrong with me? keep yum yum around..)
so, yeah. the shirt was $60 and i was kinda disappointed cause i really like it and guess what?! the sales girl told me it is only $10!!
whao! that's super cheap.. i got it..
it's mine now =)
the shirt is kinda bug although it's written "M" size XD (just trying to make myself sounds slim..)
okay let's see!!

tee hee..

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