Thursday, January 3, 2013

the most heart broken day..

its been a long time i haven't come to blog, can't believe today i come back and i'm blogging this..
yesterday i had this feeling asking me to see my friend's profile.. it seems like something is not right but i just can't tell what it is. so i just went to see her profile wondering how is she doing =)
as usual, after seeing the post then clicking on her pictures.. i just can't believe what i saw!
i was so hurt and disappointed, hands were numb and my heart was really broken.. wondering do you know what you're doing? 
kept asking myself how could you? how could you just give the present i bough for you to your colleague! moreover, for the exchange gift party? what the fuck.. 
i know that present is just a mug, but what did the mug did to you, or what have i did to you? how could you give that away? i need an explanation! I NEED EXPLANATION! did you remember where do the mug come from? have you forgotten who gave the mug to you? should i ask, HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ME
maybe this is no big deal to you, anyhow is just a stupid mug, but what i can tell you is you had hurt someone that cared for you all these years! 
when the mug is on others hand, it means that there's no affection between us any more. 
our friendship has drown into the drain. my heart is dead! thank you for showing me your true colour, unexpected.