Sunday, November 7, 2010


yes, we're crazy!!
it's raining and we went to queue, just to get into UNIQLO.

well atleast we just waited for 15minutes.
it's not OVER!!
my friend went in the morning and waited for like 2 hours just to get in -.-"
i'm really lucky.
thank god =]

hmp, seriously i was kinda disappointed!!
they're selling winter clothing -.-"
Malaysia is HOT, i DON'T need any winter clothes..
conclusion, i bought nothing..
those people grab the clothes likes it's FREE OF CHARGE..
it's something like "pasar malam"
sorry to say that, but really i just can't believe.
and i really don't get it, how they buy until RM1000++
simple t-shirt cost RM29.90, design.. i can design better, but to be honest the quality is really nice =]
i know i sound stupid.
well, i hope there's something for me in the next season >.
so after UNIQLO, we went back to pavilion.
Xian haven't been to Cotton On so we desided to go there.
hmp, both of us are crazy, we took the shirts and went to the fitting room to try.
Hongzai asked am i going to buy all those clothes and i replied "Nope, just for FUN"
anyway i bought 2 shirt cost me RM75..
hmp, i'm spindrift >.<"
after that we went to Forever21 just next to Cotton On.
LoLx, 4 of us took clothes in again, just to take picture..
LL and i took the same shirt.

this shirt cost RM80..
LoLx -.-" siao~~
and i bought another shirt-.-"
it cost me RM90..
i'm super spindrift..
it's cool, 3 of them bought nothing except me!!
after shopping we went to Pancake House just for tea XD
awesome feel, i LOVE it.
we just formed a new GANG..
haha COOL =]

thanks guys.
i LOVE you guys =]

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