this guy, named Sorrow..
i have no idea why and where did he pop out from..
i knew his for years but, we're not that closed.
he called me a few times in Skype and i refused to answer cause too many "xiu muimui" inside.
it's like a room of "seafoods"
after a few hours, he called again.
he asked me do i know "Alvis Kong", i was like...
hmm yeah, why?!
and he said "what he did was really right!"
okay let's stop here.
well, i have no idea why people taking Alvis as a role model!!
Lun Sky wanna learn, and now you??
Alvis is not a hero, but a loser~~~
just because he has the guts to die doesn't mean he's a GOD!!
so, you wanna die huh?!
you're old enough to think and make your own decision!!
whatever i have to say, i said..
if you still wanna die, then JUST DO IT.
make sure you have the guts!
and make sure you do it okay, don't just talk and do nothing~~~~
Life is not just all about achieving and getting things that you want,it is all about how much that you can give to the others with your heart.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
have you ever beg your mom or dad to get something??
well, i never beg my mom because i know she'll always said "NO"
so i always beg my dad.
LoLx, when i was in secondary school, i always make promises and swears.
but it doesn't seems like i did it.
i always break my promises ='[
so daddy don't really trust me..
i remember promised daddy that i'll study hard and get flying colours in my exam to get a gameboy.
hmm, but my result was not that good and yet daddy still get me a pink colour gameboy.
i promised dad that i'll use my phone wisely so he can changed me a new phone, and i broke my promise.
LoLx, see daddy always get you the best =]
so, today i went to Tough in Time Square i saw a bag..
it cost RM879, i told daddy and he said "don't ever ask me to buy you things anymore!, i'm broke"
well you see, i never though of asking him to buy me cause i really used too much $$ this year and it's bad.
next year inflation, i was like WTF??!
anyway, i'll go to the bank and get the $$ to buy myself presents although i bought 1 dooodolls laptop skin as my christmas gift already.. XD
well, i never beg my mom because i know she'll always said "NO"
so i always beg my dad.
LoLx, when i was in secondary school, i always make promises and swears.
but it doesn't seems like i did it.
i always break my promises ='[
so daddy don't really trust me..
i remember promised daddy that i'll study hard and get flying colours in my exam to get a gameboy.
hmm, but my result was not that good and yet daddy still get me a pink colour gameboy.
i promised dad that i'll use my phone wisely so he can changed me a new phone, and i broke my promise.
LoLx, see daddy always get you the best =]
so, today i went to Tough in Time Square i saw a bag..
it cost RM879, i told daddy and he said "don't ever ask me to buy you things anymore!, i'm broke"
well you see, i never though of asking him to buy me cause i really used too much $$ this year and it's bad.
next year inflation, i was like WTF??!
anyway, i'll go to the bank and get the $$ to buy myself presents although i bought 1 dooodolls laptop skin as my christmas gift already.. XD

Monday, December 27, 2010
well someone wrote this on her Facebook today
i'm wondering what kinda bullshit is this?!
are you saying yourself or you're complaining others??
now you know the feeling?? isn't it too late??
asked yourself, how many people have you used?! have you even bother to turn your head back to see them?!
what ever people did is a MUST
i still remember that time you said i used you..
LoLx, i used you for what??
i'm your fucking driver, i'm your fucking banker.
so is that what i used??
or i should say you the one who's using me??
please larhx how old are you??
still talk like a immature adult, shame of you..
i'm wondering what kinda bullshit is this?!
are you saying yourself or you're complaining others??
now you know the feeling?? isn't it too late??
asked yourself, how many people have you used?! have you even bother to turn your head back to see them?!
what ever people did is a MUST
i still remember that time you said i used you..
LoLx, i used you for what??
i'm your fucking driver, i'm your fucking banker.
so is that what i used??
or i should say you the one who's using me??
please larhx how old are you??
still talk like a immature adult, shame of you..
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
jogging ='[

LoLx, what a mood..
arghx.. wore the wrong shoe, came back my feet pain like shit.
no energy at all, guess i'm getting fatter..
need MORE exercise.
hmm, thought of last time..
running at Lake Garden, WOW!!
it's like a piece of cake..
haiz ='[
poor didy, poor gay, poor yitong, poor MiGay.B.Foliduzust..
Thursday, December 16, 2010
金牛座的人似乎天生就有忧郁和压抑的性格。当这些累积到顶点时,就会如同火山一般的爆开。他们在十二星座中算是工作最勤勉,刻苦耐劳、坚忍不拔的;耐心、耐力、韧性是其特性。他们相信拥有爱情、美丽与富有的喜悦,是生命存在的证明,也是他信仰的真理,为了这个目的;他们会选择最安全、确实的途径(通常是长期的酝酿和深思熟虑的结论),一旦下定决心,没有人可以改变它。>> 他们忠诚、真心、善解人意、实际、不浮夸、率真、负责,凡事讲求规则及合理性。喜欢新理念并会花时间去接触、证明,是个自我要求完美的人;同时他们对物质和美的生产力方面,也是超人一等。> Ⅰ区金牛 4.21-4.30>> 行星是金> 星,是爱和美的象征,它赋了你爱的坚定和固定的性情。乐意行善,坚忍,有意志力,有活力。爱恨都很固执,不轻易放弃,能和人共甘苦,慈悲为怀,特别是对待亲近的人更是如此,显示出真正的豁达大方。> Ⅱ区金牛 5.1-5.10>> > 行星是水星,是知识的象征,主宰心灵中较理智的部份。为人审慎,保守,积极,脑子灵活,受到好影响会显出机警、知觉力、勤勉而坚强的人格。不好的影响则会窥探、干涉、冷漠、极端、健忘、表情太多的倾向。> Ⅲ区金牛 5.11-5..20>> > 行星是土星,它是时间的象征,统治思想和沉思的倾向。使得它的子民,变得小心翼翼,有耐心和体贴。它的力量在于稳定、坚忍和毅力之中。财富靠勤俭和小心投资。具宽大心胸,仁慈,乐于行善,富同情心。>> 金牛座男性> • 基本性格> >> 金牛座男性个性温和顺从,喜爱和平,崇尚和睦,性格沉稳,总是三思而后行。对人对事态度慎重,趋于保守,固执且一根筋,常会被人称作不懂变通的顽固派。极具韧性,只要是自己认准的事情,不管多大的困难也要坚持到底。有较强的责任感,对同事有深厚的友情,但由于对事情多计较,会遭到朋友的误解。平时温文尔雅,但一旦动怒,却又令人望而生畏。对于金牛座男性而言,一定要拿捏准何时应针锋相对,何时应退让一步,盲目的勇敢有时会惹来大祸。> •> 注意点>> 所到之处,足以令其蓬荜生辉,但有时会因为意见相左而引起不和,所以一定要适度地表现出宽容的雅量。不要只顾眼前利益,只有学会用长远眼光看待人生,才能成就大业。节约和节制固然重要,但如果为人过于吝啬,即便是投入很大也换不来好名声,只会遭到人们的反感。>> • 职业和金钱>> 金牛座男性缺乏果敢和冒险精神,可能会因此而错过许多良机,处世时应切记这一点。虽然开拓精神不足,但有很强的直觉力,如果借助于此脚踏实地安稳的开展事业,定会获得成功。如果你是金牛座,学习专业技术是最佳的选择。由于缺乏冒险精神,在尝试新事物上会有些难度,但因为你偏重感性,有较强的直觉和与生俱来的艺术天分,如果成为专业人士或某个领域的佼佼者,人生会过得很惬意。>> 适合的具体职业有作家、画家、儿童文学家、设计师、食品制造、出版行业、金融业等,最好长时间地投入某个领域,如果在企业供职,则以总务、劳务、策划等管理职务和技术研究职务为优先考量,秘书职业也很有前途。>> 走财运的年龄是26、33、42、51、60岁,> 最好在30岁到40岁之间成就事业。> • 恋爱和婚姻>> 金牛座男性爱得深情款款,温情脉脉,安静温和的特质具有让人内心舒适的神奇魅力。爱情运很好,但不会走桃花运,平凡的婚姻生活也需要经济实力作后盾。作为金牛座,你的身上还保留着孩童般的纯真和浮躁,希望和年长的女性谈恋爱。金牛座男性很少会因为盲目的爱情或冲动的情欲而损害身体,大多都是以结婚为大前提开始恋爱。在性生活方面缺乏自制力,有时会不分时间和场所的亢奋起来,热衷于性爱,对同性恋也有兴致。性格固执,警戒心强,占有欲和嫉妒心超过一般水准,所以一定要学会宽宏大量。> >> 理想的结婚对象是摩羯座、处女座女> 性,年龄最好相差6岁左右,同龄者和年长者也不错。24、33岁时会遇到最佳伴侣,适宜晚婚,另外相亲促成的婚姻比自由恋爱婚姻更为理想。你看女性的眼光不够准,难以区分爱情和同情心,所以选择结婚对象时,最好向身边的亲友寻求帮助。> • 健康和疾病>> > 步入中年之后,要特别注意因荷尔蒙和脏器功能的衰退引起的糖尿病和肾病,酒少喝无妨,但一定要戒烟。咽喉和食道的疾病会危及生命,而肾病和泌尿系统疾病会带来极大的痛苦,所以应当定期进行检查。>> 应格外注意疾病的年龄是> 22、34、43、59岁,长寿秘诀是养成有节制的生活习惯。> • 住宅>> 整体外观和谐统一,四周树木繁茂,生活便利,带有田园风格,能够保护个人隐私,且令你身心舒畅的住宅才是最理想的住宅。从位置来看最好距离繁华街道不远,但不要在街边,门窗最好朝东北偏东向或东向。>> > 金牛座女性> • 基本性格>> 金牛座女性在优裕的环境中长大,为人自然亲切,个性温柔,顺从。爱洁净,崇尚美好忠贞的爱情,具有抵制虚伪和谎言坚定不移的信念,并以此广泛地影响他人。> 温柔女孩>> 会不事> 张扬地对处在困境中的人伸出援助之手。对他人的关爱之心比任何人都丰富,所以家里通常挤满了拾来的小猫小狗。> 慢条斯理> 无论做什么事都慢条斯理。> 信用度>>> 向来信守约定,在朋友中间信用度堪称第一。但是一定要注意言行,不要让自己成为别人茶余饭后的谈资。> 固执己见>> 平时总是面带微笑,可一旦心情低落,就会紧闭心> 扉,一言不发。要学会认真地倾听对方的意见。> 实现目标>> 认准目标之后,会一步一个脚印、脚踏实地前进。如果下定决心开始积蓄,将来有可能成为百万富翁。> 太过慎重>> 你待人随和,会吸> 引很多朋友和你交往。但是态度过于慎重,不愿敞开心扉,这会使你错失良机,成为拓宽人际关系的绊脚石。> 愉快地生活>> 向往美好的事物,具有将生活安排得愉悦惬意的> 卓越能力。在自己的房间里,会把称心的娃娃靠在床头,内心充满浪漫,一生都是如此。>> 独占欲>> 独占欲极强,如果得知知心密友和其他的朋友交往亲密,就会觉得朋友背叛了自己。> 压力>> 热爱和平的金牛座是彻头彻尾的乐天派。如果有什么事> 会使你不安,一定是朋友们的一些戏言。学会一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出,就会轻松很多了。>> 习惯>> 总是优游自在的生活,稍有不慎就有变成真黄牛的危险。一边看电视,一边慢腾腾地吃光饼干的习惯应当立即改正。金牛座还有让别人焦躁不已的习惯,这一点会引起人们的不满。> 幸福感>> 如果每天都和随和亲> 近的朋友在一起,会感觉沉浸在幸福当中,无法想象没有情感的生活。如果选择适合自己个性、随心所欲的工作,也会获得幸福的满足感。> 花心程度>> 即便不是疯狂地爱上他,但是只> 要倾心一次,就会持续好久,这就是金牛座的特点。在交往期间根本都不会注意别的男性,所以可以说情感专一。> 特长>> 金牛座在美术和艺术领域很有天分,有很多金牛座嗓音> 甜美,歌声美妙。喜欢热闹,也喜欢在人前表现。> 体质>> 金牛座女性总会为自己过于丰满的胸脯而苦恼。粗短,不够柔软的脖颈和矮小的个头也是苦恼之一,但是能够拉近彼此距离的灿烂的笑脸却无可挑剔,可以为你博得许多人的好感。浓密的发丝总会为你换来美女称号。爱好美食,一看到可口的食物就挪不开脚步,所以眨眼间营养就会扩充到120%。即便如此,你也会以'不太爱运动'的托词拒绝运动,这更是使你曼妙的身体曲线毁于一旦。由于属于容易发胖的体质,所以要格外小心,但是在健康上倒不必忧虑。自然恢复能力极强,不易患病,不过需要注意颈部,不要让自己美妙的声音受到破坏。此外还应注意肾脏、泌尿系统、生殖系统的疾病,避免偏食。
金牛座的人似乎天生就有忧郁和压抑的性格。当这些累积到顶点时,就会如同火山一般的爆开。他们在十二星座中算是工作最勤勉,刻苦耐劳、坚忍不拔的;耐心、耐力、韧性是其特性。他们相信拥有爱情、美丽与富有的喜悦,是生命存在的证明,也是他信仰的真理,为了这个目的;他们会选择最安全、确实的途径(通常是长期的酝酿和深思熟虑的结论),一旦下定决心,没有人可以改变它。>> 他们忠诚、真心、善解人意、实际、不浮夸、率真、负责,凡事讲求规则及合理性。喜欢新理念并会花时间去接触、证明,是个自我要求完美的人;同时他们对物质和美的生产力方面,也是超人一等。> Ⅰ区金牛 4.21-4.30>> 行星是金> 星,是爱和美的象征,它赋了你爱的坚定和固定的性情。乐意行善,坚忍,有意志力,有活力。爱恨都很固执,不轻易放弃,能和人共甘苦,慈悲为怀,特别是对待亲近的人更是如此,显示出真正的豁达大方。> Ⅱ区金牛 5.1-5.10>> > 行星是水星,是知识的象征,主宰心灵中较理智的部份。为人审慎,保守,积极,脑子灵活,受到好影响会显出机警、知觉力、勤勉而坚强的人格。不好的影响则会窥探、干涉、冷漠、极端、健忘、表情太多的倾向。> Ⅲ区金牛 5.11-5..20>> > 行星是土星,它是时间的象征,统治思想和沉思的倾向。使得它的子民,变得小心翼翼,有耐心和体贴。它的力量在于稳定、坚忍和毅力之中。财富靠勤俭和小心投资。具宽大心胸,仁慈,乐于行善,富同情心。>> 金牛座男性> • 基本性格> >> 金牛座男性个性温和顺从,喜爱和平,崇尚和睦,性格沉稳,总是三思而后行。对人对事态度慎重,趋于保守,固执且一根筋,常会被人称作不懂变通的顽固派。极具韧性,只要是自己认准的事情,不管多大的困难也要坚持到底。有较强的责任感,对同事有深厚的友情,但由于对事情多计较,会遭到朋友的误解。平时温文尔雅,但一旦动怒,却又令人望而生畏。对于金牛座男性而言,一定要拿捏准何时应针锋相对,何时应退让一步,盲目的勇敢有时会惹来大祸。> •> 注意点>> 所到之处,足以令其蓬荜生辉,但有时会因为意见相左而引起不和,所以一定要适度地表现出宽容的雅量。不要只顾眼前利益,只有学会用长远眼光看待人生,才能成就大业。节约和节制固然重要,但如果为人过于吝啬,即便是投入很大也换不来好名声,只会遭到人们的反感。>> • 职业和金钱>> 金牛座男性缺乏果敢和冒险精神,可能会因此而错过许多良机,处世时应切记这一点。虽然开拓精神不足,但有很强的直觉力,如果借助于此脚踏实地安稳的开展事业,定会获得成功。如果你是金牛座,学习专业技术是最佳的选择。由于缺乏冒险精神,在尝试新事物上会有些难度,但因为你偏重感性,有较强的直觉和与生俱来的艺术天分,如果成为专业人士或某个领域的佼佼者,人生会过得很惬意。>> 适合的具体职业有作家、画家、儿童文学家、设计师、食品制造、出版行业、金融业等,最好长时间地投入某个领域,如果在企业供职,则以总务、劳务、策划等管理职务和技术研究职务为优先考量,秘书职业也很有前途。>> 走财运的年龄是26、33、42、51、60岁,> 最好在30岁到40岁之间成就事业。> • 恋爱和婚姻>> 金牛座男性爱得深情款款,温情脉脉,安静温和的特质具有让人内心舒适的神奇魅力。爱情运很好,但不会走桃花运,平凡的婚姻生活也需要经济实力作后盾。作为金牛座,你的身上还保留着孩童般的纯真和浮躁,希望和年长的女性谈恋爱。金牛座男性很少会因为盲目的爱情或冲动的情欲而损害身体,大多都是以结婚为大前提开始恋爱。在性生活方面缺乏自制力,有时会不分时间和场所的亢奋起来,热衷于性爱,对同性恋也有兴致。性格固执,警戒心强,占有欲和嫉妒心超过一般水准,所以一定要学会宽宏大量。> >> 理想的结婚对象是摩羯座、处女座女> 性,年龄最好相差6岁左右,同龄者和年长者也不错。24、33岁时会遇到最佳伴侣,适宜晚婚,另外相亲促成的婚姻比自由恋爱婚姻更为理想。你看女性的眼光不够准,难以区分爱情和同情心,所以选择结婚对象时,最好向身边的亲友寻求帮助。> • 健康和疾病>> > 步入中年之后,要特别注意因荷尔蒙和脏器功能的衰退引起的糖尿病和肾病,酒少喝无妨,但一定要戒烟。咽喉和食道的疾病会危及生命,而肾病和泌尿系统疾病会带来极大的痛苦,所以应当定期进行检查。>> 应格外注意疾病的年龄是> 22、34、43、59岁,长寿秘诀是养成有节制的生活习惯。> • 住宅>> 整体外观和谐统一,四周树木繁茂,生活便利,带有田园风格,能够保护个人隐私,且令你身心舒畅的住宅才是最理想的住宅。从位置来看最好距离繁华街道不远,但不要在街边,门窗最好朝东北偏东向或东向。>> > 金牛座女性> • 基本性格>> 金牛座女性在优裕的环境中长大,为人自然亲切,个性温柔,顺从。爱洁净,崇尚美好忠贞的爱情,具有抵制虚伪和谎言坚定不移的信念,并以此广泛地影响他人。> 温柔女孩>> 会不事> 张扬地对处在困境中的人伸出援助之手。对他人的关爱之心比任何人都丰富,所以家里通常挤满了拾来的小猫小狗。> 慢条斯理> 无论做什么事都慢条斯理。> 信用度>>> 向来信守约定,在朋友中间信用度堪称第一。但是一定要注意言行,不要让自己成为别人茶余饭后的谈资。> 固执己见>> 平时总是面带微笑,可一旦心情低落,就会紧闭心> 扉,一言不发。要学会认真地倾听对方的意见。> 实现目标>> 认准目标之后,会一步一个脚印、脚踏实地前进。如果下定决心开始积蓄,将来有可能成为百万富翁。> 太过慎重>> 你待人随和,会吸> 引很多朋友和你交往。但是态度过于慎重,不愿敞开心扉,这会使你错失良机,成为拓宽人际关系的绊脚石。> 愉快地生活>> 向往美好的事物,具有将生活安排得愉悦惬意的> 卓越能力。在自己的房间里,会把称心的娃娃靠在床头,内心充满浪漫,一生都是如此。>> 独占欲>> 独占欲极强,如果得知知心密友和其他的朋友交往亲密,就会觉得朋友背叛了自己。> 压力>> 热爱和平的金牛座是彻头彻尾的乐天派。如果有什么事> 会使你不安,一定是朋友们的一些戏言。学会一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出,就会轻松很多了。>> 习惯>> 总是优游自在的生活,稍有不慎就有变成真黄牛的危险。一边看电视,一边慢腾腾地吃光饼干的习惯应当立即改正。金牛座还有让别人焦躁不已的习惯,这一点会引起人们的不满。> 幸福感>> 如果每天都和随和亲> 近的朋友在一起,会感觉沉浸在幸福当中,无法想象没有情感的生活。如果选择适合自己个性、随心所欲的工作,也会获得幸福的满足感。> 花心程度>> 即便不是疯狂地爱上他,但是只> 要倾心一次,就会持续好久,这就是金牛座的特点。在交往期间根本都不会注意别的男性,所以可以说情感专一。> 特长>> 金牛座在美术和艺术领域很有天分,有很多金牛座嗓音> 甜美,歌声美妙。喜欢热闹,也喜欢在人前表现。> 体质>> 金牛座女性总会为自己过于丰满的胸脯而苦恼。粗短,不够柔软的脖颈和矮小的个头也是苦恼之一,但是能够拉近彼此距离的灿烂的笑脸却无可挑剔,可以为你博得许多人的好感。浓密的发丝总会为你换来美女称号。爱好美食,一看到可口的食物就挪不开脚步,所以眨眼间营养就会扩充到120%。即便如此,你也会以'不太爱运动'的托词拒绝运动,这更是使你曼妙的身体曲线毁于一旦。由于属于容易发胖的体质,所以要格外小心,但是在健康上倒不必忧虑。自然恢复能力极强,不易患病,不过需要注意颈部,不要让自己美妙的声音受到破坏。此外还应注意肾脏、泌尿系统、生殖系统的疾病,避免偏食。
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
i'm going to PENANG =]
here is it, 8 more hours to go then i'll start my journey to penang.
of course i'm excited but kinda lazy also -.-"
so LaiYee is here, sleeping like a pig.
hmp so tomorrow gonna meet Kent, gosh i'm so freaking excited cause this is the first time i'm meeting him XD
i'll be going to Ipoh on the first day then the second day straight to penang unril the 10th of Dec.
Christmas is near, i wanna celebrate T.T"
of course i'm excited but kinda lazy also -.-"
so LaiYee is here, sleeping like a pig.
hmp so tomorrow gonna meet Kent, gosh i'm so freaking excited cause this is the first time i'm meeting him XD
i'll be going to Ipoh on the first day then the second day straight to penang unril the 10th of Dec.
Christmas is near, i wanna celebrate T.T"

Saturday, December 4, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
tired of you..

always the same old story, i'm really tired of you girl.
you're so fucking dramatic..
what's the problem with you when i said i want the trip on the date i want??
you're making so much noise saying this and that, and now when Kian called you, you said okay?!
are you trying to joke around or flirt??
what is the different if i asked or he asked??
anyway who cares~~~
PLEASE, don't learn me saying "i QUIT" cause the way you said it doesn't sound nice.
it irritates people, especially me!!
so, now things settle.
the only problem is the car~~~~
can anyone sponsor a car or anything??
i wanna go Penang badly!!
this is gonna be the last trip with college mates, really craving for it.
i don't wanna anything that takes 2days 1night..
i want 4days 3nighs!!
i wanna meet my friends, i wanna see my wifey W.Y..

and also Josh XD
i miss you guys badly although i never meet Josh before..
hope to see you guys on the 7th or 8th or 9th or 10th, probably not the 10th..
haha, if there's no disturbance XD
day outz with my "ji mui"
well it's been a long time i didn't go out with LaiYee already.
erm, i mean two of us, ALONE..
so, today.
hmp as usual went to her house to fetch her..
i was late, cause of the damn traffic.
never like K.L's road, everyday JAMMED..
today we went to Pavi for the movie "Rapunzel"
oh gosh, i just fall in love with the cartoon character, Eugene(Flynn).
he's handsome XD
don't you think so?!

anyway after movie, we went to Grandmama's for our brunch,
by the time also 4p.m already.
after bruch, straight went to feirenheit.
LaiYee never been there before, she wanna see UNIQLO and CK as well.
CK = Charles and Keith not Calvin Klein~~~
she said she wanna get a bag.
i though she said see wanna see only, never expect she wanna get it today.. on the spot -.-v
oh well, welcome to my world girl.
you're starting to grow up =]
it's a good sign.
and she bought her bag, off we go.
went back to Pavi, wanna find Tough, hmm i couldn't find the shop.
i think the shop close down -.-"
what a day~~~
saw a shirt in Forever21 again, RM80 again.
hei, why so expensive? i'm really broke larhx ='[
so this is US, TOGETHER.
i LOVE you my dear XD
erm, i mean two of us, ALONE..
so, today.
hmp as usual went to her house to fetch her..
i was late, cause of the damn traffic.
never like K.L's road, everyday JAMMED..
today we went to Pavi for the movie "Rapunzel"
oh gosh, i just fall in love with the cartoon character, Eugene(Flynn).
he's handsome XD
don't you think so?!

anyway after movie, we went to Grandmama's for our brunch,
by the time also 4p.m already.
after bruch, straight went to feirenheit.
LaiYee never been there before, she wanna see UNIQLO and CK as well.
CK = Charles and Keith not Calvin Klein~~~
she said she wanna get a bag.
i though she said see wanna see only, never expect she wanna get it today.. on the spot -.-v
oh well, welcome to my world girl.
you're starting to grow up =]
it's a good sign.
and she bought her bag, off we go.
went back to Pavi, wanna find Tough, hmm i couldn't find the shop.
i think the shop close down -.-"
what a day~~~
saw a shirt in Forever21 again, RM80 again.
hei, why so expensive? i'm really broke larhx ='[
so this is US, TOGETHER.
i LOVE you my dear XD

Saturday, November 20, 2010
big girls don't cry.. ='[
besides crying, i really don't know what can i do..
i wanna do my work~~~
i really wanna do my best for my final, but DARN.
i make the first step, and then the second =]
it's a good sign!
but, when i wanna make the third step, i'm STUCK~~~
my brain is not moving, i couldn't think of any colour to apply in my shirt.
i'm sad ='[
really really sad.
headache as well, i wish i have magic..

so this is the shirt i drew, ugly right??
someone said i'm gonna scare the baby off..
LoLx, i just don't get it.
when we say shirt, why does it have to do with body??
can we just think out of the box??
make it different?!
i want my shirt to be wear and so as hanging on the wall as a picture!!
anyway, i know it's easy for me to talk, but when it comes drawing or present..
forget it.
i wanna do my work~~~
i really wanna do my best for my final, but DARN.
i make the first step, and then the second =]
it's a good sign!
but, when i wanna make the third step, i'm STUCK~~~
my brain is not moving, i couldn't think of any colour to apply in my shirt.
i'm sad ='[
really really sad.
headache as well, i wish i have magic..
so this is the shirt i drew, ugly right??
someone said i'm gonna scare the baby off..
LoLx, i just don't get it.
when we say shirt, why does it have to do with body??
can we just think out of the box??
make it different?!
i want my shirt to be wear and so as hanging on the wall as a picture!!
anyway, i know it's easy for me to talk, but when it comes drawing or present..
forget it.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
chosen and it's not chosen
"congratulation yitong! your postcard has been chosen by Kenny.."

LoLx, hmp.
i actually got no feeling at all.
cause, AhFai said the same thing before to Zaible.
and it's actually a LIE.
i can't believe Kenny join them to lie Zaible..
haha, it was awesome.
so, when AhFai told me my postcard was chosen last month, i thought he's using the same trick so i ignore him.
and last Wednesday, he said the same thing to me again!!
i was kinda, you know?... well i don't know~~~
remember i said yesterday there's only four of us in class?? hmp, Zaible told me it was real that Kenny choose my card!!
i was shock and happy, but Florence said she wanted to choose again.
i was like What The FUCK??..
it's so unfair to me.
hahaha, anyway thanks to Stupid Fly..
you made me happy XD
he said he'll buy me Prada, LV, Channel and Burberry next year when he comes back.
i got the prove!!
don't try to lie me, muahaha.
ohya, when he told me that, one "siao kia" go add Fly as friend in FB.
ehh kid, FUCK off larhx.
you thought he'll buy you one as well??
you think too much "冰冰"..

LoLx, hmp.
i actually got no feeling at all.
cause, AhFai said the same thing before to Zaible.
and it's actually a LIE.
i can't believe Kenny join them to lie Zaible..
haha, it was awesome.
so, when AhFai told me my postcard was chosen last month, i thought he's using the same trick so i ignore him.
and last Wednesday, he said the same thing to me again!!
i was kinda, you know?... well i don't know~~~
remember i said yesterday there's only four of us in class?? hmp, Zaible told me it was real that Kenny choose my card!!
i was shock and happy, but Florence said she wanted to choose again.
i was like What The FUCK??..
it's so unfair to me.
hahaha, anyway thanks to Stupid Fly..
you made me happy XD
he said he'll buy me Prada, LV, Channel and Burberry next year when he comes back.
i got the prove!!
don't try to lie me, muahaha.
ohya, when he told me that, one "siao kia" go add Fly as friend in FB.
ehh kid, FUCK off larhx.
you thought he'll buy you one as well??
you think too much "冰冰"..
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
i went to time square yesterday for the cutout magazine's talk and i actually went to time square again, today!!
it looks like i'm T.S "kaki"
well i'm NOT!!
anyway, today's class was boring.
only four of us attend.
Viren, Andrew, Zaible and me, and Zaible was late for class!! (how dare you)
yet again, Zaible pissed Florence off.
Zaible arhx.. "lei yiu zou matt gahx?" keep changing and changing.
we lack of time already!! i hope you made up your mind and all the best to you dude =]
so after class straight to T.S with Andrew and Zaible..
with two "ma lat lou"..


we had Sushi King for lunch, after lunch t-shirt time.
walked the whole T.S, looking for plain white t-shirt..
LoLx, it's not easy >.<"
at last i saw uncle!! he's selling..
thank god!!
the material is so nice and it's so fucking cheap XD
and i wasted RM10 on silver trend for the stupid white shirt..
hmp, gonna give out the shirt -.-v
cause I'M TOO FAT!! haha.
i saw Khirthika, she's going to Cosmo World..
LoLx, "ah moi, you dah how old arhx??"
she gave me a big tight huggie hug♥
LOVE you so much my dear =]
so, my new look.

i'm trying to be slightly girly XD
what do you think??
sucks right? i can't imagine i'm tying all my hair up.
i look so round.. like a fishball -.-v
it is a really big challenge for me.
tying all the hair up is like you're running naked on the road.

i went to time square yesterday for the cutout magazine's talk and i actually went to time square again, today!!
it looks like i'm T.S "kaki"
well i'm NOT!!
anyway, today's class was boring.
only four of us attend.
Viren, Andrew, Zaible and me, and Zaible was late for class!! (how dare you)
yet again, Zaible pissed Florence off.
Zaible arhx.. "lei yiu zou matt gahx?" keep changing and changing.
we lack of time already!! i hope you made up your mind and all the best to you dude =]
so after class straight to T.S with Andrew and Zaible..
with two "ma lat lou"..


we had Sushi King for lunch, after lunch t-shirt time.
walked the whole T.S, looking for plain white t-shirt..
LoLx, it's not easy >.<"
at last i saw uncle!! he's selling..
thank god!!
the material is so nice and it's so fucking cheap XD
and i wasted RM10 on silver trend for the stupid white shirt..
hmp, gonna give out the shirt -.-v
cause I'M TOO FAT!! haha.
i saw Khirthika, she's going to Cosmo World..
LoLx, "ah moi, you dah how old arhx??"
she gave me a big tight huggie hug♥
LOVE you so much my dear =]
so, my new look.

i'm trying to be slightly girly XD
what do you think??
sucks right? i can't imagine i'm tying all my hair up.
i look so round.. like a fishball -.-v
it is a really big challenge for me.
tying all the hair up is like you're running naked on the road.

Monday, November 15, 2010
i'm fine =]
to those who read my blog, sorry for being so emotional this few days.
some called and some even came MSN and asked me.
i'm fine =]
no worries and thank you so much =]
feel so touch♥
i've made my decision which is "LET'S JUST STAY THE SAME"
it doesn't matter what's the answer anymore.
as long as i know that you actually love me, that's more then enough =]
sorry, i really never expect that i'll make you sad as well.
THANK YOU to yang and carmen.
thanks for listening to my boring stories.
yeah, we have dinner together last night, it was awesome.
we went to Bangsar, thought of having dinner in Montes'
LoLx, some one booked the whole restaurant >.<"
nowadays kids are so freaking rich and pampered!!
anyway we end up having dinner in Chilis.
mmm, yummy.
since so long i never been there.
miss the food so much XD
i had a cup of chili as my entree, then fajita and burger as main course.

LoLx, i'm not having it all by myself!!
we shared the food!!
don't get shocked.
it was really an awesome night.
thanks guys =]



i was late cause i was on call with steven and alvin last night till 3.30a.m.


super long friend, it's been 3 years we never talk to each other..
haha(back to the topic)
carmen was waiting for me in her church.
so fetch her and bla bla bla..
anyway the motive of going to time square today is to see CUTOUT Magazine.
i thought it was an exhibition,
DAMN it's actually a "TALK"..
i can't be sitting there for 2 hours listening to you guys~~~~
it's super BORING.
haha, carmen almost sleep, and she's sitting on the front sit -.-v
so here's the picture..


met 4 new friends, Bryan, Alex, Ashley and Wei.
A,A and W are from melacca, they purposely came down from from melacca to see this.
really good students..
so, while having break Bryan, Jack, Carmen and i sneak out!!
haha, cause it's super BOOOOOOORING.
and we went to Sg.Wang.
end of the story..
ohya, i try something new today..
i tied all my hair up.
looks bolt and like an idiot -.-v

feel free to laugh XD
some called and some even came MSN and asked me.
i'm fine =]
no worries and thank you so much =]
feel so touch♥
i've made my decision which is "LET'S JUST STAY THE SAME"
it doesn't matter what's the answer anymore.
as long as i know that you actually love me, that's more then enough =]
sorry, i really never expect that i'll make you sad as well.
THANK YOU to yang and carmen.
thanks for listening to my boring stories.
yeah, we have dinner together last night, it was awesome.
we went to Bangsar, thought of having dinner in Montes'
LoLx, some one booked the whole restaurant >.<"
nowadays kids are so freaking rich and pampered!!
anyway we end up having dinner in Chilis.
mmm, yummy.
since so long i never been there.
miss the food so much XD
i had a cup of chili as my entree, then fajita and burger as main course.
LoLx, i'm not having it all by myself!!
we shared the food!!
don't get shocked.
it was really an awesome night.
thanks guys =]



i was late cause i was on call with steven and alvin last night till 3.30a.m.


super long friend, it's been 3 years we never talk to each other..
haha(back to the topic)
carmen was waiting for me in her church.
so fetch her and bla bla bla..
anyway the motive of going to time square today is to see CUTOUT Magazine.
i thought it was an exhibition,
DAMN it's actually a "TALK"..
i can't be sitting there for 2 hours listening to you guys~~~~
it's super BORING.
haha, carmen almost sleep, and she's sitting on the front sit -.-v
so here's the picture..


met 4 new friends, Bryan, Alex, Ashley and Wei.
A,A and W are from melacca, they purposely came down from from melacca to see this.
really good students..
so, while having break Bryan, Jack, Carmen and i sneak out!!
haha, cause it's super BOOOOOOORING.
and we went to Sg.Wang.
end of the story..
ohya, i try something new today..
i tied all my hair up.
looks bolt and like an idiot -.-v

feel free to laugh XD
Saturday, November 13, 2010
empty heart..

it's a sunny day..
but, why do i feel so dark, as if its gonna rain soon.
trying to put a wide smile on my face..
pretend to be happy, and nothing happened.
... it is so hard.
i'm tired, i'm tired of pretending.
it's not fun at all.
feels like giving up =[
but how could i give up on something that i care so much??!
i'm sad, i feel so restless.
GOD are you PUNISHING me??
it's so hard for me to find someone that i really care and love, in the end this happen??!
LoLx, are you kidding me?!
"i wanna be with you!!"
"me too, but..."
do you know how hurt is it to see this??
i feel like chopping off my legs.
what can i do?..
i LIKE you, i LOVE you!!
i wish i could just shout to the whole world..
but, what's the point of doing that since you wanted to stay in this way.
i wanted to wait, but you said "NO"
you thinks that's too selfish..
so what am i suppose to do??
i really don't know =[
can you tell me?
can you teach me??!
i can't imagine when i see that message i was totally LOST and OUT of CONTROL..
i turn on my iPod, choosing those heart broken song, screaming and shouting in the middle of the night at 3a.m.
LoLx, it's so not me..
i did not sleep well, kept awake.
feels so weird, heart is so pain although nothing actually happened..
i wish, we could just be the same.
hoping the things we chat last night can fade away ASAP!!
just DON'T avoid me T.T"
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Brain Dominance Test

Of 30 questions, 15 of your responses indicate you are left brained dominant. 15 of your responses are indications of right brain dominance. These results indicate you have a balanced brain, with no tendency to think towards either side.
Those who are middle-brain dominant tend to be more flexible than either the left or the right-brain folks; however, you often vacillate between the two hemispheres when you make decisions. You sometimes get confused when decisions need to be made because, neurologically speaking, you could do most tasks through either a left-brain or a right-brain method!
A balanced score means you are able to draw on the strengths of both the right and left hemispheres of your brain depending upon a given situation. This combination makes you a creative and flexible thinker.The down side to having a more "balanced brain" is that you may sometimes feel paralyzed by indecision when the two hemispheres of your brain are competing to solve a problem in their own unique ways. You may also find career choices difficult due to your proficiency in several different areas.
What Tarot Card Are You?

Keywords: Sorrow, Loss, Sadness, Lack, Inability to move on
You are no stranger to loss. You feel stuck, or the inability to let go of past events that are currently stopping all progress. Your depression may be mild or very intense, but either way, you are not really feeling like yourself. Loss hurts because it is our emotional resistance to change. No matter how much you accept intellectually that you must go with the flow, if that flow separates
you from what you love then it is your natural reaction to say "NO!" The more you struggle with this, the deeper your sorrow will become. This card is a reminder, you have the strength to pick yourself up and turn to face the future with open arms. What awaits is far better than you can even imagine.
Which Magical Woman Of Fantasy Are You?
Silver Angel
Pureness does not mean innocence, for you are wise and experienced in the ways of the world, but your heart is unspoiled by darkness. You connect those around you to yourself with a silver cord of love and light. Only the most wicked would speak ill of you, for you wish no ill on others. You see beauty and mystery in all your spirit touches, and those who feel that touch are better for it, feeling a sudden fullness of life and tendency to laughter. You are the source of such feelings, they grow inside your soul like a silver flower ever blooming and blossoming until the seeds of hope and happiness are sewn upon the fertile hearts you caress with such gentle care. For you both the joys and sorrows of life are equal, and so you are a nurturer and a healer. You are the Silver Angel
Pureness does not mean innocence, for you are wise and experienced in the ways of the world, but your heart is unspoiled by darkness. You connect those around you to yourself with a silver cord of love and light. Only the most wicked would speak ill of you, for you wish no ill on others. You see beauty and mystery in all your spirit touches, and those who feel that touch are better for it, feeling a sudden fullness of life and tendency to laughter. You are the source of such feelings, they grow inside your soul like a silver flower ever blooming and blossoming until the seeds of hope and happiness are sewn upon the fertile hearts you caress with such gentle care. For you both the joys and sorrows of life are equal, and so you are a nurturer and a healer. You are the Silver Angel
What Color Is Your Emotional Rose?
The Yellow Rose is an expression of exuberance, and evokes sunny feelings of joy, warmth and welcome. It is a symbol of friendship and caring with no romantic undertones. You are a true friend and always offer a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on. People around you feel excited and glad to be alive, because you radiate an aura of happiness that is infectious. Your laughter is the music and your smile is the song that shapes your spiritual symphony, and all are invited to play along. Fear and sorrow cannot flourish in your presence, for you are the Yellow Rose
Whats your Personality
What Makes You Irresistible to Men?

You're Fire and Passion
You are the very epitome of fire, and passion and all that is artistic and eclectic in this world. A man will never tire of, or become bored with a woman like you. You present a challenge on many different levels, and although you can be fiery in more ways than one, you keep them coming back for more...sometimes on their knees.
What Do Your Eyes Say About You?
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
yes, we're crazy!!
it's raining and we went to queue, just to get into UNIQLO.

well atleast we just waited for 15minutes.
it's not OVER!!
my friend went in the morning and waited for like 2 hours just to get in -.-"
i'm really lucky.
thank god =]
hmp, seriously i was kinda disappointed!!
they're selling winter clothing -.-"
Malaysia is HOT, i DON'T need any winter clothes..
conclusion, i bought nothing..
those people grab the clothes likes it's FREE OF CHARGE..
it's something like "pasar malam"
sorry to say that, but really i just can't believe.
and i really don't get it, how they buy until RM1000++
simple t-shirt cost RM29.90, design.. i can design better, but to be honest the quality is really nice =]
i know i sound stupid.
well, i hope there's something for me in the next season >.
so after UNIQLO, we went back to pavilion.
Xian haven't been to Cotton On so we desided to go there.
hmp, both of us are crazy, we took the shirts and went to the fitting room to try.
Hongzai asked am i going to buy all those clothes and i replied "Nope, just for FUN"
anyway i bought 2 shirt cost me RM75..
hmp, i'm spindrift >.<"
after that we went to Forever21 just next to Cotton On.
LoLx, 4 of us took clothes in again, just to take picture..
LL and i took the same shirt.

this shirt cost RM80..
LoLx -.-" siao~~
and i bought another shirt-.-"
it cost me RM90..
i'm super spindrift..
it's cool, 3 of them bought nothing except me!!
after shopping we went to Pancake House just for tea XD
awesome feel, i LOVE it.
we just formed a new GANG..
haha COOL =]

thanks guys.
i LOVE you guys =]
it's raining and we went to queue, just to get into UNIQLO.

well atleast we just waited for 15minutes.
it's not OVER!!
my friend went in the morning and waited for like 2 hours just to get in -.-"
i'm really lucky.
thank god =]
hmp, seriously i was kinda disappointed!!
they're selling winter clothing -.-"
Malaysia is HOT, i DON'T need any winter clothes..
conclusion, i bought nothing..
those people grab the clothes likes it's FREE OF CHARGE..
it's something like "pasar malam"
sorry to say that, but really i just can't believe.
and i really don't get it, how they buy until RM1000++
simple t-shirt cost RM29.90, design.. i can design better, but to be honest the quality is really nice =]
i know i sound stupid.
well, i hope there's something for me in the next season >.
so after UNIQLO, we went back to pavilion.
Xian haven't been to Cotton On so we desided to go there.
hmp, both of us are crazy, we took the shirts and went to the fitting room to try.
Hongzai asked am i going to buy all those clothes and i replied "Nope, just for FUN"
anyway i bought 2 shirt cost me RM75..
hmp, i'm spindrift >.<"
after that we went to Forever21 just next to Cotton On.
LoLx, 4 of us took clothes in again, just to take picture..
LL and i took the same shirt.

this shirt cost RM80..
LoLx -.-" siao~~
and i bought another shirt-.-"
it cost me RM90..
i'm super spindrift..
it's cool, 3 of them bought nothing except me!!
after shopping we went to Pancake House just for tea XD
awesome feel, i LOVE it.
we just formed a new GANG..
haha COOL =]

thanks guys.
i LOVE you guys =]
Saturday, November 6, 2010
where is your manner??

darn you!!
owe me money still wanna show your stupid anger??..
who do you think you are..
you've owe me for 2 years..
did i ever force you to pay me back??
every time i also say nevermind nevermind ..
in the end what happen..
kena back from you >.<"
all i did is ASK.
"when are you going to pay me pay my money"..
Monday, November 1, 2010
back to KL..
just came back from Melbourne last night.
time mess up..
stupid jet lag.
anyway i had a good sleep last night =]
but, i was absent for today's class.
i slept over time, and i had a very bad backache T.T"
can't imagine 1 week holiday pass so fast.
so not use to it T.T"
i miss Melbourne, i miss Tasmania..
i miss Penguin, i miss the boat ride..
i miss the weather, i miss the Salmon..
i miss every single thing there but not the University >.<"
it's an awesome trip!!
i wanna do that more often XD
time mess up..
stupid jet lag.
anyway i had a good sleep last night =]
but, i was absent for today's class.
i slept over time, and i had a very bad backache T.T"
can't imagine 1 week holiday pass so fast.
so not use to it T.T"
i miss Melbourne, i miss Tasmania..
i miss Penguin, i miss the boat ride..
i miss the weather, i miss the Salmon..
i miss every single thing there but not the University >.<"
it's an awesome trip!!
i wanna do that more often XD
Sunday, October 24, 2010
it's SUNDAY!!
and i'm leaving K.L soon XD
erm around 15 hours..
anyway, i'm not feeling well..
stomach cramp ='[
it's hurt..
i think is because of the curry mee i had for my supper >.<"
shouldn't take that..
super regret.
luckily my flight it's not in the morning.
otherwise i really go DIE..
went to Jusco with family to settle my phone bill..
daddy bought me 2 sweater XD
1 from winter time and 1 more from F.O.S
OMG, it's super cute..

i'm gonna wear it to airport tomorrow XD
i think i shouldn't sleep so early, i'm afraid i couldn't sleep in the plane.
if insomnia, i'm dead >.<"
so i went to Sg.Wang to change my shirt.
thank god, they change for me and the sales girl is so sweet.
LOVE her so much, i swear i'll buy my new year clothes from them =]
too bad i forgot to ask for her name.
aiz.. ='[
gonna stop here..
tired dy >.<"
and i'm going to Levain tomorrow morning with family and daddy's friend before i leane.
i LOVE my life!!
and i'm leaving K.L soon XD
erm around 15 hours..
anyway, i'm not feeling well..
stomach cramp ='[
it's hurt..
i think is because of the curry mee i had for my supper >.<"
shouldn't take that..
super regret.
luckily my flight it's not in the morning.
otherwise i really go DIE..
went to Jusco with family to settle my phone bill..
daddy bought me 2 sweater XD
1 from winter time and 1 more from F.O.S
OMG, it's super cute..

i'm gonna wear it to airport tomorrow XD
i think i shouldn't sleep so early, i'm afraid i couldn't sleep in the plane.
if insomnia, i'm dead >.<"
so i went to Sg.Wang to change my shirt.
thank god, they change for me and the sales girl is so sweet.
LOVE her so much, i swear i'll buy my new year clothes from them =]
too bad i forgot to ask for her name.
aiz.. ='[
gonna stop here..
tired dy >.<"
and i'm going to Levain tomorrow morning with family and daddy's friend before i leane.
i LOVE my life!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
don't act like you know me o0o

shut the fuck up BITCH.
you are really such an annoying person.
can you just shut your mouth for once??
i'm sure that everyone will claps their hands singing hallelujah!!
what ever BULLSHIT comes out from your mouth non of it is nice..
you enjoy criticizing people, but have you ever look in the mirror??
how much you know about me??
since when you become me??
i myself also don't know about it, and you help me answering all the fucking answers??
you know nothing about me!!
YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME and you telling people i bla bla bla...
you really get on my nerve!!..
every time, i tried to cool myself down and try to talk nicely to you.
but have you ever try to pleased me??
how many times i told you, if you don't understand the meaning of it, then use the fucking mandarin.
i'm not stupid, I CAN READ CHINESE!!
and if i don't i'll ask!!
not like you..
i'm sure that you have a mouth right, open your asshole mouth to ask larhx..
i'm sure that you have a brain as well right??
use your fucking brain before you speak!!
i'm really really pissed off cause of you..
every time, every single time you pissed people off!!
your good friend, your best friend, you can't even stand in their position to think for them.all the while you been complaining about them..
ehh, please larhx.
people do the same thing nia..
when people criticize you what you do?? go blog larhx, go shout out in facebook telling people how cham how cham..
all you think is for your fucking own self.
do you have to be so selfish and calculative all the time??
if you're SUCK then work hard larhx, why do you talk about people??
you seem to be a very nice friend to me, but i was wrong.
i shouldn't judge a book by it's cover!!
you keep complaining that boy, but you just the same larhx.
even worse.
so what if you're 20 and you can't express nicely??
i'm just the same.
but why do i always get blame??
it's so fucking unfair to me.
whatever you did wrong i have to be the who get scolded.
just because you have the innocent look and i don't??
look at me!!

or because you're leng lui and i'm not??
ehh hello, really larhx..
please, i beg you STOP THE FUCKING BULLSHITS..
if you don't know the meaning of the word, don't use it.
"memalukan diri sendiri aje"
you don't want face i want face de..
remember you have no authority to be ME!!
once again please FUCK OFF.

im going to Melbourne =]

never thought that i have the chance to visit Melbourne.
anyway, i'm going to Melbourne next Monday XD
too bad yang and ah kor couldn't join.
my aunt called me the other day asking me wanna go to Melbourne with her anot, of course i said "YES"!!
but the bad news is, i have to come back on Sunday "ALONE"!! >.<"
what the..
i hate to come back alone, it's so inconvenient.
wanna go toilet or anywhere also need to carry the stupid bad along.
it's so dangerous to left the bag on the sit.
what to do..
wanna go holiday is like that de lurhx.. (sacrifice)
so this trip gonna visit my cousin sister and also the universities there.
it's time to find university.
no more time for me to be dilly-deli T.T"
really craving for that trip..
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Pissed Off...
received a call from Mr.Alex 10.30am this morning.
LoLx, he told me he dare not call Kian cause he afraid he might still on bed.
okay, he said that today's Cyber Law class is cancel.
which means i'm freee...
aiz, wasted my time rushing that stupid assignment last night.
and after that called, couldn't sleep anymore -.-"
since yang and i got not class tomorrow, so i asked him to go Sunway with papa.
daddy said NO SHOPPING, but mummy and i each one bought a stuff..
this time yang got nothing.. XD
after a few hours shopping and observation, we went for bowling.
yang and i each play 4 games.
luckily there's free game, if not daddy sure "pok kai"
(happy stuff ended here)_______________________________________

was on MSN with my dear.
asking him questions that i never wish to ask... ...
and we settle!!
thank god =]
well, i show what my brother blogged to dear.
"It's not like we don't have any friends , neither do we need you.
Do realize that there're more friends we have then you.
What do you if you're treated like a chauffeur? Pissed , agreed?
Do realize that friends do not always mean of sacrificing for you.
We sacrificed time and money and yet you're shaking leg ,
treating us like as though we're born to drive you around.
Do realize that you're not the only one friend that we have."
LoLx, dear say yang can write a song already..
hahaha, and he asked why yang write like that.
explained to him and we start to discuss about it.
seriously, i don't know why people can actually be so selfish.
they will always put themselves in the first place, then what about others??
does it mean that it's fine if they die, as long as i'm still alive!!
really don't understand.
i can't believe the words actually comes out from her mouth.
my heart was like...
i got stabbed by someone i cared so much..
1 word "disappointed".
dear said that i'm too kind.
always go up and down without charges..
as if i'm a chauffeur.
NO is even worse then a chauffeur, cause i did not get PAID =.="
to be honest i really HATE driving.
you expecting me to go here and there some more...
isn't it just too over??
LoLx, he told me he dare not call Kian cause he afraid he might still on bed.
okay, he said that today's Cyber Law class is cancel.
which means i'm freee...
aiz, wasted my time rushing that stupid assignment last night.
and after that called, couldn't sleep anymore -.-"
since yang and i got not class tomorrow, so i asked him to go Sunway with papa.
daddy said NO SHOPPING, but mummy and i each one bought a stuff..
this time yang got nothing.. XD
after a few hours shopping and observation, we went for bowling.
yang and i each play 4 games.
luckily there's free game, if not daddy sure "pok kai"
(happy stuff ended here)_______________________________________

was on MSN with my dear.
asking him questions that i never wish to ask... ...
and we settle!!
thank god =]
well, i show what my brother blogged to dear.
"It's not like we don't have any friends , neither do we need you.
Do realize that there're more friends we have then you.
What do you if you're treated like a chauffeur? Pissed , agreed?
Do realize that friends do not always mean of sacrificing for you.
We sacrificed time and money and yet you're shaking leg ,
treating us like as though we're born to drive you around.
Do realize that you're not the only one friend that we have."
LoLx, dear say yang can write a song already..
hahaha, and he asked why yang write like that.
explained to him and we start to discuss about it.
seriously, i don't know why people can actually be so selfish.
they will always put themselves in the first place, then what about others??
does it mean that it's fine if they die, as long as i'm still alive!!
really don't understand.
i can't believe the words actually comes out from her mouth.
my heart was like...
i got stabbed by someone i cared so much..
1 word "disappointed".
dear said that i'm too kind.
always go up and down without charges..
as if i'm a chauffeur.
NO is even worse then a chauffeur, cause i did not get PAID =.="
to be honest i really HATE driving.
you expecting me to go here and there some more...
isn't it just too over??
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
i found this song very nice.
the music.. so nice
then i search for the lyrics and i found this translation as well.
it's like singing about me.
really nice.
i'm smiling by BEG, GaIn =]

Do not worry, I am fine, just go the way you were traveling
I’ve been so sorry for making things hard
I won’t give reasons or excuses anymore
Thank you for loving me thus far
When tears come out, I will smile, just the way you did for me
I am smiling like a fool, as I send you away
Please take care of that person, I still linger for that person
Once I love you I cannot let go of your hand
Once I send you away, I am hurting like this
It’s too late, but I am still happy
I don’t know why, you worried for me so much
You’ll never know how much I regret this
Because I am like you, I’ve suddenly become a lingering fool
I’ve become pitiful after you left
It’s laughable that I could not be with you when you were here and I am like this now after you left
I am smiling today by myself, I want to see you
Please take care of that person, I still linger for that person
Once I love you I cannot let go of your hand
Once I send you away, I am hurting like this
It’s too late, but I am still happy
As my tears hit the back of my hand without a sound
I should be smiling but I cried instead
When I think of that person, when I miss that person
Smiling and crying can no longer console me
Please take care of that person, for the last time…
If I could see that person, I will smile brightly
If you see me, please smile
the music.. so nice
then i search for the lyrics and i found this translation as well.
it's like singing about me.
really nice.
i'm smiling by BEG, GaIn =]

Do not worry, I am fine, just go the way you were traveling
I’ve been so sorry for making things hard
I won’t give reasons or excuses anymore
Thank you for loving me thus far
When tears come out, I will smile, just the way you did for me
I am smiling like a fool, as I send you away
Please take care of that person, I still linger for that person
Once I love you I cannot let go of your hand
Once I send you away, I am hurting like this
It’s too late, but I am still happy
I don’t know why, you worried for me so much
You’ll never know how much I regret this
Because I am like you, I’ve suddenly become a lingering fool
I’ve become pitiful after you left
It’s laughable that I could not be with you when you were here and I am like this now after you left
I am smiling today by myself, I want to see you
Please take care of that person, I still linger for that person
Once I love you I cannot let go of your hand
Once I send you away, I am hurting like this
It’s too late, but I am still happy
As my tears hit the back of my hand without a sound
I should be smiling but I cried instead
When I think of that person, when I miss that person
Smiling and crying can no longer console me
Please take care of that person, for the last time…
If I could see that person, I will smile brightly
If you see me, please smile
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
dear "JEALOUS" (n_n)

my cute cute LOVELY dear~~~
i thought you jealous that "triple cheese burger"(thick lips) guy de.
cause he brought a hot sexy, beautiful chick to the club..
but you actually jealous because of my MSN picture >.<"
i'm happy, cause i starting to go into your world XD
don't jealous lurhx.
sayang back kayz??
anyway, good dear!!
you made your promise~~
you said when you go back home town, you won't "pek dai" me de.
and YES!!
you did it for the second day.
i'm impress.
and let's see when you gonna break your promise.
make sure you accompany me when i'm in China,
cause i'll be MISSING you there T.T"
portfolio is DONE!!
wednesday it's the day i'm leaving.

i still haven't really pack my stuffs @.@"
was being so lazy this few days and rushing on my portfolio which need to pass up on last month.(i know i'm terrible)
anyway tomorrow gonna present on my portfolio.
i don't know what am i going to crap inside the room for like 30 minutes!!
can even lay an egg already~~
so, dear was accompanying me just now.
almost half an hour only reply 1 message -.-"
stupid dear fall asleep again.
hahahaha, so after my work.
muahehe, CHATZ time.
time to "se weet se weet" XD
dear's drawing is nice seriously..
haha, LOVE it so much
"curi curi" screen shot it already..
muahehehe >.<"




these drawing that drawn by "you" really cheers me up =]
thank you so much,
it means alot to me ^^"

i still haven't really pack my stuffs @.@"
was being so lazy this few days and rushing on my portfolio which need to pass up on last month.(i know i'm terrible)
anyway tomorrow gonna present on my portfolio.
i don't know what am i going to crap inside the room for like 30 minutes!!
can even lay an egg already~~
so, dear was accompanying me just now.
almost half an hour only reply 1 message -.-"
stupid dear fall asleep again.
hahahaha, so after my work.
muahehe, CHATZ time.
time to "se weet se weet" XD
dear's drawing is nice seriously..
haha, LOVE it so much
"curi curi" screen shot it already..
muahehehe >.<"




these drawing that drawn by "you" really cheers me up =]
thank you so much,
it means alot to me ^^"
Monday, October 4, 2010
in ♥ with you.

just a gentle whisper told me that you're gone
leaving only memories where did we go wrong
i couldn't find the words then, so let me say them now
i'm still in love with you
tell me that you love me, tell me that you care
tell me that you need me and i'll be there
i'll be there waiting
i will always love you, i will always stay tune
there's no one who loves you like I do, come to me now
i will never leave you, i will stay here with you
through the good and bad i will stay tune
i'm in love with you
now we here together yesterday has passed
life is just beginning close to you and i
and i promise to you i will always be there
i'll give my all to you
living a life without you is more than i can have
hold me close forever and I'll be there
i'll be there for you
i will always love you, i will always stay tune
there's no one who loves you like i do, this I promise
i will never leave you, i will stay here with you
through the good and bad i will stay tune, hold me closer
our love is forever, holding us together
nothing in this world can stop us now
love has found, love has found the way
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