"do you have a boyfriend?"
NO, i don't have a boyfriend.
but why? you so pretty sure have boyfriend one..
LoLx, is there anything to do with pretty and boyfriend?? @.@"
pretty = got boyfriend??
got boyfriend = pretty??
what kind of philosophy is this??
well i really don't understand, they never see me before how can they judge me by picture?? -.-"
anyway talking about boyfriend..
i really never though of getting back in any relationship.
it's so tiring, every single day have to worried about him, wondering what he's doing, is he feeling well, did he eat a proper meal, who is he hanging out with, and so on...
this kinda stuff, really makes people headache.
the most scary part is when i suddenly become the third party..
having a boyfriend is not an easy thing, it's like having a baby.
you have to plan, to decide, to calculate, and bla bla bla..
so many stuff to do.
i really don't wanna put my life in a risk, getting hurt for 4 times is more than enough =D
and i really wanna enjoy my lonely life.
err not really lonely, at least i still have my friends =]
talking about friend..
i'll continue it tomorrow..
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