Friday, April 29, 2011

result day!!

the result was out, and.. it's just like what i've imagine earlier~~~
i need 1.5 - 2 more points to hit my target, but i just couldn't do it ='[
isit because i checked my result while "pupu-ing" in the toilet? that's why the result is bad? (i know my joke is not funny)

anyway, i'll do it again when i go back to K.L
this is not what i want, this is not my level!!
i know i can do much more better than this, YEAH i can..
so, besides the sad result, i bought myself a $40 oxford shoe and a $5 superman tee-shirt =]

LoLx, looks like i'm enjoying huh??!
yes yes, i do. i am enjoying myself here, cause i couldn't get any shirts or pants in K.L because of my lovely fucking size and height XD
but now i can wear M size tee-shirts here, SUPER COOOL =]

Bought a present for Carmen and received my early 21st birthday present from E-Ma XD i hope Carmen like her present, cause i really have no idea what to buy for her coming 19th birthday, and as for LaiYee, still looking!!
i wonder what can i get for her..
she's a very...(i have no idea) so it's not easy to get a thing for her, especially 21st birthday present..

well was talking to LaiYee just now, i asked what she wants as her birthday present, and she asked me back the same question..
seriously, i have no idea what i want!!
perfume, watch, bags, accessories.. err totally no idea =[
by the way what can you get me?! hahaha.
she said she wants a Carlorino bag, and i was like WHAT CARLORINO AGAIN?!!!
ain't tired of carlorino, keep carlorino.. hahaha
i think i gonna get her a purse, cause her purse SUCK!!

well well, we'll see how, tomorrow going down to city to SHOP again XD
hopefully i can get something unusual for LaiYee.. =]

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